by Adat Ha Tikvah Tzion | Jan 28, 2020 | Announcements, Other
You can donate to Adat at Giving Fire. You can set up an automatic donation or give whatever any time.
by Adat Ha Tikvah Tzion | Jan 6, 2020 | Resources
These 1050 commands/laws from the New Testament/Renewed Covenant were transcribed by Fran P. During the process she checked each one verse by verse. We would like to caution each reader to the risk of taking scripture out of context and making doctrines or dogmas of...
by Adat Ha Tikvah Tzion | Jan 6, 2020 | Resources
A searchable list of all 613 commands in the Torah, listed by category....
by Adat Ha Tikvah Tzion | Jan 6, 2020 | Resources
Understand, these Prophecies are from the Old Testament. And Fulfilled in the New Testament. Until you understand each of these and their importance you will not begin to understand Who Jesus really was. It often amazes me that many claim that the Old Testament or...
by Adat Ha Tikvah Tzion | Jan 6, 2020 | Resources
Interested in becoming a member of Adat? You can save this form to your computer or fill it out online, and print it out, or print first and fill out by hand. Then you can mail it to us at: Adat Ha Tikvah Tzion P.O. Box 564 Boystown, NE 68010-0564 Or bring it with you...
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