Welcome to
(The Hope of Zion Congregation)

“Life is Futile unless you are a Jewtile,
Get Grafted in.”
Join Us!
Saturdays at 10:00am
Southwest Church of the Nazarene
14808 Q St, Omaha, NE
Today’s Date:
Donate to Adat
You can donate to Adat at Giving Fire. You can set up an automatic donation or give whatever any time.
Upcoming Events:
Upcoming Events:
Weekly service time: 10:00am
Location: Southwest Church of the Nazarene
14808 Q Street, Omaha, NE 68137
Passover Seder: Friday, April 18
Location: Scott Conference Center
6450 Pine Street, Omaha, NE 68106
RSVP: Please fill out this form
Return it by March 21
Current Needs:
Need help with audio, set up and tear down, and table greeters.
Other Announcements:
You can donate to Adat at Giving Fire. You can set up an automatic donation or give whatever any time.
Hebrew Class Resources
Roger’s Hebrew Class videos are available on YouTube and the handouts in a folder on our Drive.
Who we Are
We are a Messianic Congregation. A place where Jew and Gentile can worship together. We want to be a Holy Community – a light to the world around us. We have broken down the middle wall of partition, which separates us, and have created one new man as it says in Ephesians 2:14-15.
At Adat Ha Tikvah Tzion, you will find a group of people who share their love for their fellow man and their love for Israel. We believe that G-d (HaShem) has a plan and His plan involves the Jewish people. We believe that His son, Jesus (Yeshua) is the Messiah (HaMashiach) and that He is coming back. We believe that will be very soon.
Until he does return, however, we plan to worship as a congregation every Saturday at 10:00 am.
We meet at:
Southwest Church of the Nazarene
14808 Q St, Omaha, NE 68137
Our phone number is (531) 484-7810
You are welcome here always.
12 Week
G-D’s Plan Course
This is a twelve week course which can be taught as a Sunday School course or at any other time. The lessons will bring you to a knowledge of Judaism and the Jewish people and is primarily designed to help you learn about the roots of your faith and how you can witness more effectively to a Jewish person. You will also develop a deeper yearning for the word of G-d than you ever had before.
This course is free to download, and consists of both audio and a handout for each week. The weekly handouts consist of outlines and Bible verses, a few diagrams, a vocabulary list and a bibliography.